Federal Election Drinking Game – 2013


Tune in to your ABC on election night, 7th September 2013,  and have one drink when any of the following are said:

Small booths
Redistribution Pendulum
Eden Monaro
Early returns
Quietly confident
The Australian people
Notionally Large booths
The door’s still open
Too close to call
We’ll know more shortly
Vindication Scrutineers
Factional Warlords

If you really want to get pissed include the following:

Balance of Power

election03.jpgTwo drinks whenever Antony Green has bought up the wrong slide.
Two drinks for a cross to the tally room.
Two drinks whenever Kerry chuckles after interviewing a losing candidate.
Three drinks whenever Antony says that the computer is wrong.
Three drinks whenever someone seen as a ‘future leader of the party’ loses. (This does not apply to Peter Dutton, no-one seriously believes he could lead a Shetland pony)
Four drinks whenever a Politician on the panel refuses to concede a seat that their side has obviously lost.

Six drinks if you can get a tweet read out on air.

election04.jpg2 x one litre bottles straight up of 160 proof US Bourbon when you hear the phrase

“Tony Abbott is our new Prime Minister”

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