Gillard stabbed Kev, a Queenslander, with so called ‘factionalists’ and Bill.

The leader, or one of the superiors of this gang stabbing was Bill Shorten. He is the one seen, watching Gillard with a phone to his ear, as events unfolded, guiding the final result. This has been seen on many news casts, with ‘comedy comments’ added, like ‘that bloke in the background … he’s running […]

Solar or Coal? – 2011

2011 Tony Windsor and others from the government’s multi-party climate change committee, spent time and money researching clean energy facilities and policy-making in Europe, including an inspection of Torresol Energy’s 20 megawatt Gemasolar power station near Seville, Spain. Gemasolar uses 2650 mirrors to concentrate the sun’s rays on to the top of a central ”power tower” […]

Federal Election Drinking Game – 2013

Tune in to your ABC on election night, 7th September 2013,  and have one drink when any of the following are said: Small booths Redistribution Pendulum Eden Monaro Early returns Quietly confident The Australian people Notionally Large booths The door’s still open Too close to call Lindsay We’ll know more shortly Vindication Scrutineers Factional Warlords If […]